Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Morning (By: Jason A. Penrod)

Good morning everyone! I am making a committment to blogging more often as well as sharing some daily thoughts and tips with the hope that the messages may help some of you and your families. These tips won't always be anything magically legal but may just be practical or a sharing of my personal experiences at times.

Today's message is pretty simple. After church, I'm going to call both of my grandmothers and see how they are doing. I'm also going to visit one of my friends in an assisted living facility today. All 3 of these ladies could probably use some human contact and that's the least I can do. Is there anyone out there today that you can reach out to? Remember...just because we may not see them everyday, doesn't mean they may not need us.

Have a blessed day and may Gob bless our elders!

By: Jason A. Penrod

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